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Supreme Court Takes Up Dispute Between Jack Daniels And Parody Dog Toy



The Supreme Court has agreed to hear a case brought by whiskey maker Jack Daniels against VIP Products, which makes a dog toy that parodies their signature bottle. The squeaking “Bad Spaniels” dog toy mimics the square Jack Daniels bottle of amber liquid with a black-and-white label, changing the words to puns about poop. While the whiskey bottle features the phrases Old No. 7 brand and Tennessee Sour Mash Whiskey, the toy reads The Old No. 2 on Your Tennessee Carpet. Instead of the bottles 40% alcohol by volume, the toy is labeled 43% Poo by Vol. and 100% Smelly. The toys manufacturer says their product is an obvious joke, but Jack Daniels lawyers insist the toy confuses consumers and profits from their reputation.